WAJIB DICOBA! Resep Dalgona choco matcha Spesial

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Dalgona choco matcha. Dalgona is a popular Korean street candy similar to toffee or honeycomb but its Iced Coffee version is what has been trending across social media platforms. Di video ini saya membuat dalgona coffee dan dua varian lainnya yaitu matcha (green tea) dan choco (coklat), dengan bahan sederhana. This Dalgona Matcha Latte recipe is a sweet latte topped with whipped matcha foam - it's delicious Dalgona coffee recipes have recently taken the internet by storm, and inspired people to get creative.

Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Dalgona choco matcha dengan 3 langkah. Yuk disimak cara mengolahnya.

Dalgona choco matcha Typical Dalgona Matcha Latte recipes contain egg whites which is not vegan, so I chose to use aquafaba instead. It worked even better than I had anticipated and I am currently rushing to get this. Different unique Dalgona coffee combinations you can try at home. Kamu bisa membuat Dalgona choco matcha menggunakan 5 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 3 cara praktis untuk memasaknya. Yuk disimak

Bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat Dalgona choco matcha

  1. Ambil 1 bgks susu milo bubuk.
  2. Tambahkan 1 bkgs chocholatos matcha.
  3. Siapkan 1 sdt sp (skip).
  4. Siapkan 300 ml air anget.
  5. Ambil Topping : chocochip (sesuai selera).

Instead of using milk with ice, you can use matcha (green tea) for an added earthy flavor to the bittersweet Dalgona coffee-similar. Great recipe for Choco dalgona. 'Cuz me and the non-caffeine club(like MJ's kitchen and.and.and), want dalgona😂😂. This whipped matcha recipe is a coffee-free twist on the popular Dalgona coffee craze. This whipped matcha recipe is perfect for non-coffee drinkers!

Cara membuat Dalgona choco matcha

  1. Campurkan milo+air anget..mixer dengan kecepatan sedang or aduk pakai whisk sampai mengembang,berjejak dan tidak numplek (tumpah ya).
  2. Seduh matcha+air anget..aduk sampai rata.
  3. Masukkan cairan milo keatas matcha yg sudah di seduh..Lalu kasih topping sesuai selera.

So this dalgona coffee trend is really going crazy. I used whipping cream to fix my failed attempt with substituting matcha powder in place of the usual instant coffee Excuse me, but what is matcha? Mau coba bikin Dalgona dengan rasa yang beda dari biasanya? Nah, coba deh gunakan bubuk matcha! Anyone can make Dalgona Coffee in just three simple steps and that's why the recipe went viral on For those of you looking for non-caffeinated Dalgona options, fret not, because we've got just the thing. © Pixabay Minuman dalgona matcha tawarkan tektur lembut whipped seperti dalgona coffee (Foto: ilustrasi bubuk matcha).
