INI DIA! Cara Membuat Thai tea boba Enak

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Thai tea boba. Check Out Great Products On eBay. Mix well to combine and taste for sweetness. Thai Boba Tea Our Thai Tea mix is from the Pantai Thai Tea Mix bag.

Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Thai tea boba dengan 5 langkah. Langsung saja disimak cara membuatnya.

Thai tea boba Thai iced tea sometimes referred to as "Thai Tea", is a popular drink that originates from Thailand. Thai iced tea is made from strongly brewed black tea, sweetened with sugar and/or condensed milk, and a splash of dairy or creamer. Starting with our organic thai iced tea blend, measure out two teaspoons of loose tea and place it directly in an infuser or teabag. Kamu bisa mengolah Thai tea boba menggunakan 5 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 5 cara sederhana untuk memasaknya. Langsung saja disimak

Komposisi untuk memasak Thai tea boba

  1. Siapkan 2 sdm Thai tea.
  2. Siapkan 2 liter air.
  3. Tambahkan 200 gram gula putih.
  4. Tambahkan 300 gram skm putih.
  5. Siapkan 100 gram boba instan.

Boil some water (the fresher the better!), and pour a half cup of the water over the infuser or teabag. Let this steep for three to five minutes. Thai Boba Tea is variously known as Thai Bubble Tea, Thai Milk Pearl Tea, Boba Thai Tea, Boba Milk Tea, and Thai Tea with Boba. All the various names refer to Thai Milk Tea to which boba is added.

Cara mengolah Thai tea boba

  1. Tuangkan 2 liter air dalam panci dan 2sdm Thai tea lalu rebus hingga mendidih..
  2. Setelah mendidih matikan api lalu saring..
  3. Masukan gula pasir dan susu kental manis sesuai selera. Aduk merata tunggu dingin untuk di masukan botol..
  4. Sambil nunggu dingin teh nya. Kita rebus boba instannya. Masukan air 500ml rebus hingga mendidih lalu masukan boba tunggu sampai mengapung dan sampai matang. Lalu matikan api. Tunggu dingin..
  5. Setelah dingin. Siap di masukan botol dan di beri label kalau untuk di jual..

Serve hot or cold and with cream, milk, condensed milk or additional sugar syrup, if desired. (If you prefer your bubble. Bubble tea, or boba tea, is a Taiwanese drink that has exploded in popularity around the world in recent years. It's a delicious beverage usually made from tea, milk, sugar, and of courseā€¦ tapioca pearls! Occasionally various types of jellies and puddings can also be added for a little something extra. Bright orange Thai tea also makes an appearance on most boba menus, and coffee milk tea is a choice for coffee enthusiasts who want the best of both worlds.
