BIKIN NAGIH! Resep Rahasia Thaitea with boba Enak

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Thaitea with boba. Thai bubble tea is a fun and sweet drink that's easy to make at home. Making homemade thai bubble tea or Boba thai tea is fantastic because you can adjust the sweetness level to you liking. And best of all, it won't cost a fortune!

Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Thaitea with boba dengan 4 langkah. Mari disimak cara membuatnya.

Thaitea with boba Thai Boba Tea is variously known as Thai Bubble Tea, Thai Milk Pearl Tea, Boba Thai Tea, Boba Milk Tea, and Thai Tea with Boba. All the various names refer to Thai Milk Tea to which boba is added. There are numerous other drinks that have boba as well as desserts but for our purposes here we are using it to make Thai Milk Tea with Boba. Kamu bisa membuat Thaitea with boba menggunakan 8 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 4 cara simpel untuk memasaknya. Langsung saja disimak

Komposisi untuk membuat Thaitea with boba

  1. Ambil 10 kantong teh sariwangi (sebenernya bebas mau teh apapun).
  2. Ambil 1 sachet susu kental manis putih (aku pake fristianflag).
  3. Ambil 3 sendok gula putih.
  4. Ambil 350 ml susu UHT (aku pake ultra) atau susu evaporasi.
  5. Tambahkan 40 sdm air.
  6. Tambahkan Es batu.
  7. Ambil Topping.
  8. Ambil Buble coklat (Boba) resepnya udh di share dipostingan sebelumnya.

I almost always NEED to order Thai iced tea when we eat Thai food. Now that your tea is iced or chilled, it's time to pour the thai tea over the boba tapioca pearls. You can order these at many online stores, or you can find them in specialty grocery stores. This is a simple recipe for making delicious Thai iced tea at home.

Cara mengolah Thaitea with boba

  1. Kalau mau pake susu evaporasi langsung boleh skip bagian ini yaa.. Jadi susu evaporasi itu, susu yang 60% kadar airnya dihilangkan. Cara buat susu evaporasi: Didihkan susu UHT selama 20 menit dengan api kecil. Dan jangan lupa diaduk 👉 setelah 20 menit, saring susu agar tidak berbusa.
  2. Buka kantung teh sariwangi 👉 Masukkan dalam panci 👉 tambahkan 40 sendok air 👉 masak sampai mendidih 👉 saring ampasnya.
  3. Campurkan semua bahan (susu kental manis, susu evaporasi, teh sariwangi, 3sdm gula pasir) 👉 shake/kocok hingga berbusa.
  4. Masukan buble, es batu yang banyak 😆 (karena ciri khas thaitea kan es batu banyak, airnya dikit hihi), dan tuang campuran susu dan teh yang udh dibuat tadi secukupnya aja kedalam gelas.. Yuppppp jadi deh 😋 Resep buble coklat (boba) 👇👇

This is actually the Thai tea recipe the team at Talk Boba uses and we think it really replicates what you can get at most authentic Thai restaurants in the United States. Tea Leaves: Pantai Thai Tea Mix or Number One: The Original Thai Tea; Tea. Bright orange Thai tea also makes an appearance on most boba menus, and coffee milk tea is a choice for coffee enthusiasts who want the best of both worlds. There are also oolong, matcha, and. Bring water to a boil in a kettle or pot.
